Everyday I leave work at the same time, 5:30pm on the dot and take the same route home...down 3rd St to Ceasar Chavez and onto 280. Today, a friend/co-worker and I were walking out together and we were in a really chatty mood{more like I was talking his ear off}, and to keep the convo going I offered him a ride down to the ball park. I NEVER GO THAT WAY, but today I did and as soon as I dropped Ryan off I crossed the intersection and walking across the street was my dear old friend, Swamster!
I have not seen Sawmi since I started this new job of mine and I can't tell you how happy I felt to see a friendly face at that moment and on that accidental run in. It literally just so happened that at that exact moment and that exact place we ran into each other...so strange how things work out like that. We spent some time catching up and then talked for a bit about my mom and both got really emotional, but in a good---miss her way! : )
It is always nice to have an old friend be back in your life in those moments you most need them. Swami, thank you...your stories and just simple presence inspired me today.
{Left-Right} Caleb, Me, Swami, Josh, Kelly, Dad |