Tonight I did a little date night by myself (diggy sushi place in the city) and finally got a chance to set my New Year's resolutions. In planning my future, my mind couldn't help by revert to the past. So for this blog post, to kick start the New Year, I wanted to jot down a few of my fav things from 2012...just a little reminder of how great this past year really was.
2. Moved in with my best friend and boyfriend. Although for the first couple of months we argued about putting down the toilet seat, we made a beautiful home together. Love you drive.
3. Lets go Giants! Thanks to Keas, I got to attend game 7 and catch the game of a lifetime. #BestTimeEver
4. Krich tied the knot. Congrats Kelly and Rich! Glad you two are parents....FINALLY.
5. Pursued my passion to be creative. Sales was never for me, so to finally have found a job that is exciting and fun everyday has been a true blessing.