Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I miss my sister

Kristen in CT
Its been a little over 3 months that Kristen{my oldest sister} has been missing.  Right before mother's day of this year, she asked my Aunt Mary to watch her son{Jacob} and has been missing since.  About a month ago, the police were able to track a number down that got us into contact with Kristen, but after a very strange cry-out for help phone conversation from her, we have not heard anything since.

Many people have asked me what I think happened, or why I think she left...and all I can say is there was a lot going on in our lives and maybe she needed a break...BUT still it doesn't make sense.

Besides missing her, what I think about often is our relationship right before she went missing.  I have always been extremely close to my siblings but after my mom passed away, mine and Kristen's relationship felt very strained.  We were living together at the time, which I think made things very difficult and complex.  Looking back, my biggest regret was my constant judging and commenting of her lifestyle and further her parenting skills.  For some reason, I would feel the need to jump in whenever I felt something were I think about it and it wasn't my place.  What I see now{wish I saw back then} is that being a single parent is unbelievably hard.  Jacob was her life and she did everything for him, while also working full time to support little man.  I wish I could take back all the arguments we had, all the harsh words, and negative comments but I am hoping that soon the time will come that I can giver her the biggest hug and tell her in person how much I love her and miss her.  

Kristen, Kelly, Me (top to bottom)

1 comment:

  1. Don't be too hard on yourself,I think there were many people that were too hard on Kristen. I think she was just having an incredibly difficult time dealing with the loss of your mom, being a single mom, and working full time.We need not to look back,only ahead with open arms and forgiving hearts.We are an amazing family and have endured many trajedies,but we have an awesome God that can mend all of our hurts,guilt,and pain.
